The Women´s Tao

An evening for those who want to learn more about female sexuality and become more aware and open up for the possibility of more enjoyment and pleasure. Why has the woman’s sexuality remained a mystery for so long and what do we know about the woman’s erotic zones and ejaculation? Modern research is combined with wisdom from various eastern traditions of thought that look to the whole.

Tao emphasizes the importance of understanding your body to understand yourself and sees the erotic flows as part of our essence.

A lecture with facts, pictures and a brief introduction to the Women’s Tao. You may also try a taoist meditation exercise!

Place: Sensa, Mechelininkatu 49, Helsinki

Date: 24 May 18-20

Price: 20€

Sign up: or call 0505910041

Irene Andersson

Irene Andersson is from Sweden and is a passionate sex educator specialized in the taoist sexual practice and pelvic floor release. She is an experienced and knowledgeable workshopleader who in a natural way shares her knowledge of the woman’s and the man’s body and sexuality. She combine modern research with wisdom from different eastern traditions that look to the whole.

She has been a certified sexual qigong instructor since 1998 and is trained at The Tao Garden in Thailand and spent a lot of time with taoist teachers in different countries. Worked as a bodyworker since early 90s and trained in various techniques; massage, pelvic floor release, chi nei tsang, yoga, tantra, meditation, coaching, voice dialogue. Irene is also an apprentice on the shamanic «Sweet medicine sundance path», a spiritual and esoteric wisdom path. Read more:

Irene is also an author – All my insights and uplifting exercises is summarised in my two books about male and female sexuality and taoism (Kvinnans Tao & Mannens Tao) soon to come in english: Reclaim your female sexuality: Taoist ways to pleasure, selflove and empowerment & Enjoy your male sexuality: Taoist ways to vitality, intimacy and potency. Relese expected to april 2019.

Over the years I have guided and taught many women and I never cease to be surprised by the power of the exercises. My respect and confidence in the self-healing abilities of the body and mind has been strengthened and I see it as my task to help create space for that power to grow.