in Solbacka, Fagervik, Inkoo November 24-27th 2016
”Into the receptive female power …”
This is an open invitation to join together to deepen our communion with our divine feminine power through our receptive channel, the womb.
We will dive deeply into our path, our life’s purpose and our true feminine nature. We will be exploring the essential female qualities rooted in our very being and work towards an embodiment of these latent and strong energies.
Calling to our ancient mothers of wisdom, our ancestral female lineage, so that we can reconnect to our greatest gifts and the life force that we have inherited from them.
We will explore in our womb, our Hara, in our receptive nature daring to see, to feel, to perceive, to sense what needs to be recognised and completed in the Circle of Life.
For this, we will bring our shadow into the light and discover what stops us from embracing our full feminine power, our expression of love, values and our life purpose understanding and exploring our ego structure & its shadow aspects in us .
In the light, we will explore what your heart and passion is telling you, for later interconnecting your “essence qualities” and rediscover in the heart your life purpose to manifest in this lifetime.
Once our duality has come into Being we will weave a connection to our Mother Earth with greater understanding of our receptive female nature and heart, personality, eros and our energetic life force. We will feel and recognise in ourselves the different levels of our Being; physical, mental, emotional, energetic and astral, that are in constant interaction and in that process come to know our receptive, powerful womanhood.
Together we will create a safe container, a circle of love and we will nourish and enrich ourselves calling around the fire to the night moon, praying, chanting, drumming, story telling. We will be in touch with the elements of the ”Alchemy of love” and supported by somatic shock and trauma release techniques, Self inquiry, Meditation, Tantra Kriya breath work, Dhara yoga, polarity work for the ignition of the receptive female power .
I invite you to be curious, to freely express and observe the elemental dance in the creation of your experience and in the discovering of your true essence qualities of love- ready to manifest your divine feminine potential.
Price: only 150e (simple food and accomodation included)
If you want to come please start drinking basilica tea two weeks before!!
To register please contact Petra : phone +358505910041
Register latest 21.11.
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