An introduction to Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga
For me, Tantra means being in the moment and recognizing my reality as it is right now. In order to strengthen this awareness it can be a good idea to have a tantric practice.
I would like to share with you my favourite tantric activity – Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga. ATKY uses 5 tools from the Tantra Kahula: Pranayamas (breath awareness), Meditation(static and dynamic), Asanas (postures) & Kriyas (action), Ritualism and Sacred Sexuality.
Dynamics of ATKY
ATKY allows us to connect with the Sacred Life Energy(sexual energy placed with an intention) and the Prana that flows from Mother earth and the Universe. We become aware of these Energies in our own bodies and start collecting, handling, transmuting and transforming it, making us feel more connected and inspired!
The postures or asanas that we do in ATKY are similar to Hatha Yoga practice but we practice by partners, trios, or in a circle. The posture goes far beyond a physical & individual experience since we work with Tantra techniques in which you interconnect with your self first and then with the partner that you are working with. We elevate our frequencies to the same level and from there move into ecstatic postures with energy awareness and strong tantric breath work. Or we do a kriya with pranayama(breath awareness) and movement within the asana. Every Asana is done within a Ritual framework in which the sacred energy plays a fundamental role. In some exercises you will experience energy orgasms that will take you to an esoterical and spiritual experience.
ATKY benefits
ATKY stretches, strengthens and centers you. It opens each of your chakras so you feel safe, sexy, empowered, loving, communicative, clear and connected to your beloved and to the world. We combine safe postures adapted to your physical condition with precise breathing techniques, subtle spine movements and uplifting visualization to bridge the spiritual and the physical within you, inspire and ground you. Yoga moves, breathing and Sacred locks (inner holds) tune up your chakras and their corresponding aspects of consciousness. All the chakras energies flow through your central channel, your inner flute. Then you will be ready for a flute duet with your beloved and for a symphony of all souls.
Time & place: Initially there are 2 introduction evenings tuesdays 7th of May and 21st of May from 17.30 – 19.30 @ Tanssikoulu EdBH, Merimiehenkatu 29, sisäpiha, Helsinki. Please arrive 17.20 – doors close 17.30!
Practical info: Bring loose clothes and water bottle, and please don’t wear any artificial or strong perfumes/after shaves as we will be working together at close range. Because of the strong breath work it will be nice if your mouth has a fresh smell.
Price at the door: 10€(please bring even money)
Facilitator: Charlie Jespergaard has been exploring Tantra for about 20 years and is an approved facilitator of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga as well as a sacred space creator using natural building techniques. He is also a co-founder of Solbacka Intentional Community in Finland and the builder of the Dragon Temple.
More information: https://sacredcircles.love/ancient-tantra-kriya-yoga/
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